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April 24, 2006 Minutes
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2006


Building Committee Chairman Ken Crouch called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. in the East Windsor Town Hall Annex Large Conference Room.

Present at the meeting were Committee Members Peter Sanders, Cliff Nelson, Steve Pilch, Ed Filipone and Jim thurz.  Also present were Selectman Linda Roberts, Deputy Building Official Mark Sevetz, Len Norton, Betsy Burns and Recording Secretary Slate.

Absent: Stan Kement and Jim Miller


A.      Police Department Renovations

Chairman Crouch conducted a walking tour of the renovations with Chief Edward DeMarco.  Deputy Building Official Mark Sevetz discussed outstanding invoices.  There are surplus items to be returned to Tull Brothers.  Mark will meet on Wednesday to discuss and calculate the price for the items.  Selectman Linda Roberts stressed that no work is to be done and that final invoices from each contractor must be submitted by the end of April.  Selectman Roberts also requested a detailed explanation of the scenario surrounding H & M Construction.  Selectman Roberts distributed a spreadsheet with a breakdown of the contractors and the outstanding balances for each.  Chairman Crouch requested a cost for each item on the punch list that was submitted by the Police Department.   Cliff Nelson mentioned that he may be able to get some ceiling tiles donated and that maybe the town employees can install them.  

Cliff Nelson left the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Ken and Mark discussed the punch list.  Ken asked Mark to break the list into two categories, what must be done and what would be nice to have done along with the cost of each item.

B.      Volunteer Park

Ken reported that the balance remaining in the grant for Volunteer Park is $46,806.67.  The tree work has been completed by Sikes Tree Service.  Ken requested the committee approve paying the balance to Sikes Tree Service in the amount of $6,300.00

        Upon motion by Ed Flipone, seconded by Peter Sanders, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To authorize payment to Sikes Tree Service in the amount of $6,300.00.

Minutes of Building Committee Meeting
April 24, 2006
Page 2

Ken received two proposals to pave the walkway (6’ x 900’).  Boutin Sons Construction Company quoted $8,000 and Galasso Materials, LLC gave the price of $7,525.  Len Norton will check with one other supplier.

        Upon motion by Ed Filipone, seconded by Jim Thurz, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To award the paving of the walkways to Galasso Materials, LLC
A discussion followed regarding lighting and electricity to the gazebos.  Ken will check out the price to bring power over from Osborn Park.


        Upon motion by Steve Pilch, seconded by Peter Sanders, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laurie A. Slate, Recording Secretary